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Syndicates - What's it all about?

Pick your Syndicate

  • Choose a syndicate, we have single, dual, triple combinations.

  • We prefer small syndicates, so the maximum membership is 8 members per syndicate

  • Collaborate with other syndicate members what to image for the year

  • 18 Hours of personal project imaging time per month & up to 6 extra data sets per QTR - collaborated with other members for larger projects etc

  • Use our free Discord forum & Telegram Channel

Receive your Data

  • Download your data - Via our Google Drive Interface

  • Data remains on Google Drive for 14 days

  • Calibration Data remains on Google Drive for 1-Year

  • Process in to a masterpiece!

  • Share with the world

  • Enter it into our Image competition and maybe win a prize


ASA 12n F3.6 Astrograph


Takahahshi Epsilon 180 Astrograph


Planewave 17" & L500 Mount


Takahahshi Epsilon 160 Astrograph

The Nuts & Bolts of Syndicates

Our location

Latitude:   38° 13' 10.89" North
Longitude:   6° 37' 54.32" West
Altitude:   560 metres
Timezone: Western Europe

How the Roboscopes system collects your data

Broadband filters orders generally take longer to complete as the moon has more of an impact. Narrowband imaging is less susceptible on the whole, which allows you to gather more narrowband data throughout the full Lunar month. Hydrogen Alpha for instance is very forgiving even with a full moon.

To that end, our powerful imaging algorithms are based upon the key points below to get you the most of your membership

  • Horizon Limits
  • Meridian
  • Moon below horizon
  • Rising & Setting times
  • Moon avoidance in relation to chosen filters
  • Filter Based Prioritization
  • Choose Objects Rising on the East


    At Roboscopes, on the whole, we are a very easy-going and accommodating bunch but joining a syndicate does require a few simple user rules put in place so all members to get the most out of their membership. Most of the rules below revolve around, communication and utilizing our resources properly to optimize productivity.

    So, talk, work together and use our system wisely to reap the benefits whilst having fun and make some wonderful images & talking to like-minded people :)

    Most of all, remember a syndicate is a team approach to imaging, not one person's search for the holy grail or some obscure astronomical feature!

    During our main imaging seasons in our opinion some of the faster piers like Piers-3,5 & 14 will require extra jobs adding, it is up to members to make the Roboscopes team aware of this and suggest extra jobs to put into the pier. You only get out what you put in, so if you don't keep the pier busy during productive months, then it's only "you" the members that are missing out.

    Data sharing

    Is allowed amongst members in order to help one another out if a member is missing a particular channel but not with 3rd parties!

    More information

    • A maximum of 8 members per syndicate
    • Each member has 18 hours per month for personal datasets via our token system, 1hr = 1 token
    • 18 Collaborated jobs inputted into the system for the year, inputted 6 per QTR in our main imaging period and 3 per QTR over the Winter & Spring*
    • Potential candidates for the following QTR are suggested by Roboscopes+members & voted on by during the previous QTR
    • Members can collaborate their personal allotted imaging time (Tokens) to do joint projects, this is actively encouraged :)
    • Each syndicate member has access to all data sets taken
    • Wherever possible, a job has to be run through our SNR calculator in order to calculate the best imaging time required for an object (coming soon)
    • Use our sub length calculator to get the best sub lengths for each filter**
    • Use our filter calculator to determine the filter split***
    • Wherever possible, book jobs rising on the East side in order to get the maximum amount of sky time in order to collect the data
    • Members use more of the sky to allow for moon avoidance over the month rather than image in just one area
    • All data will be shared the following day via Google Drive & Stored for 14 days
    • Each pier has a full set of calibration files
    • Access to our new Telegram & Discord information channels with daily & weekly progress reports (members will need to join telegram & Discord)
    • If we find the pier does have extra headroom, we discuss with members about adding extra jobs into the pier queue, mosaics or collaborations into the pier & the odd "Steve special" job
    • See terms and conditions for more details

    We have four seasons in Spain and our imaging quarters are based around these season, Summer and Autumn are traditionally our main imaging times with many clear long nights of data collection, less imaging is done in winter and spring as it's interrupted by the early winter and Spring wet seasons

    Our seasons in Spain are broken up into these periods

    1 Spring - February, March & April*
    2 Summer - May, June & July*
    3 Autumn - August, September & October*
    4 Winter - November, December & January*


      **Our Sub-length calculator uses the sensor/filters/telescope and our sky location to determine the desired sub lengths for your chosen object
      ***Our filter split calculators uses the filter & camera sensor response to determine the correct split for each broadband filter, for narrowband we have a very handy calculator to help you achieve the desired effect/balance

      Link to our imaging tools page HERE

      At all times seasonal weather patterns, global warming, El Niño & acts of God can have an effect on how much data we can collect at certain times of the year in good & bad ways!

      Cron Job Starts