Our location:
Latitude: 38° 13' 10.89" North
Longitude: 6° 37' 54.32" West
Altitude: 560 metres
Timezone: Western Europe
If you are new to our system you may wish to start by using our object search box as this will input the coordinates for you and propagate the name of the object properly, alternatively more advanced uses can input by coordinates only for more individual framing if they prefer. camera rotation angles are available on the equipment page
After you have placed your order your image request will be added to our system which prioritises orders based on an algorithm that takes into account lots of factors like;
Broadband filters orders generally take longer to complete than narrowband orders as the moon has less of an impact with narrowband imaging which allows you to gather more narrowband data throughout the month. Hydrogen Alpha for instance is very forgiving even with a full moon.