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How it started

Roboscopes is a collaboration between passionate astronomers to set up a remote imaging site with a genuine bias towards everyone. We are not interested in just adding a fancy sounding strap-lines like “affordable pricing or imaging for everyone” that pays lip service to the normal astro imager.

We genuinely want to bring remote astro imaging to a wider audience and burst the pricing bubble associated with remote imaging.

Not only that but we have spent years imaging from our UK & EU back gardens as well as remote imaging, We enjoy both garden & remote imaging equally, as both supply us data to process with is what it's all about really :)

As most of us live in northern Latitudes, cloud/rain which add up to few genuinely clear nights a year tend to be our biggest hurdles, not to mention a lack of summer darkness from May to August.

Our remote setup gives us opportunities to keep imaging throughout the year, as well as delivering us higher quality data because of the improved location.

We are very hands-on and approachable and consider ourselves lucky to be part of this adventure, we truly want to deliver the best service we can at the most affordable price :)

The team

Steve A

Steve - Observatory

A blind squirrel who managed to find an Acorn and hasn't looked back since :)

Peter - Observatory


Manuel - IT & Website

"Retired" scientist coming back to my first love: astronomy. Recently joined the team to help however I can

Adrien - Observatory

As well as being part of the Roboscopes team, I have built & run my own remote Desert Skies Observatory in the Negev Desert since 2014 (I'm on the left)

Guy - IT

I have been an IT geek for 20 years and have failing in astrophotography for almost as long :)


Remote Imaging for most of us at a price we can afford even if its an occasional luxury purchase.
We intend to keep our prices low always as well as continually upgrade our equipment as new technology or better equipment becomes available.

If you join as a free “Silver” member then thats just awesome and thank you.
Just carry on and use our site and pay as you go with booking your imaging time slots and enjoy!

If you decide on a Gold membership, then we are most grateful as you will be helping towards the substantial monthly costs as well as keeping hourly imaging fees low for all members of Roboscopes.


While setting up we thought long and hard about what equipment to use and decided on a varied amount from lower to mid prices. We also added a few light buckets with big chips as we felt they may be popular :)

If our members have any suggestions then please get in touch as often as you like here using our suggestion box email as we want to improve our equipment and service if it’s needed.


We never intended this to be the Rolls Royce of remote imaging companies with super high end equipment and stratospheric prices.

What we hope to give you is the three G’s

  • Great Location

  • Great Data

  • Great Prices


Some of our astronomy friends & early birds have collaborated with us and sent equipment over themselves for the project. They will be receiving some free time on scopes each month.

Our friends who have helped from the begining to make this dream a reality, we cannot thank you enough for your trust and support in allowing us to get our project off the ground.

This will be rewarded and not forgotten! smile